About Us
Push Past Pain Support Group
Push Past Past Pain Support Group is your non-conventional, multi-trauma support group, which provides women with a safe space to aid them in their healing by pushing past the past pain of certain or multiple traumas they have experienced and/or dealing with. Specifically, these traumas include Fear, Rape, Abuse, Infant/Pregnancy loss, and Loss due to grief of loved ones or sense of self.
For the purpose of community and empowerment, Push Past Past Pain is a support group that is peer-operated and ran. We also function as a resource/directory to licensed mental health practices and professionals for both women and men who will need individualized support and clinical help.
We are 100% FREE & 100% VIRTUAL!!!
Donations are welcomed and appreciated.

Push Past Past Pain Support Group also uses faith as its foundation through a Christian context as we believe spirituality is also imperative to one’s mental health and journey to healing. It is important to note: we recognize different systems of faith and spiritual beliefs and are not here to persuade anyone about a particular religion or spiritual belief. In our discussions, we may speak from a conviction or confidence in our own faith which helps to inspire and empower us on our journey through this life in many ways.

about your healing?
Why do we care
PURPOSE. A famous quote from Chadwick Boseman once said, “the struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose.” Your struggles are your pain, and in pain, we believe there is purpose. We believe if you have breath, there is a purpose for your life and a purpose to fulfill here on earth. Sometimes our pain makes us lose sight of that fact and makes us question our very own existence.
In healing, we believe that in order to receive the pleasantries that life has to offer and a peace that surpasses all understanding, we have to release those things of which may be holding us back; that of which is our pain. It is our mission that through this method healing will occur so that you can become the best version of who you are meant to be and fulfill your purpose!
The Rapper Nas said it best “I know I can, be what I want to be, and if I work hard at it, I can be where I want to be”.
Healing is a journey.